New Options in Test Data Management
Test Data Management is one of the great struggles of the Quality Assurance and Control industry. Wherever you go, there is yet another excuse for why it can't be done - significantly impacting the time it takes to prepare for and execute testing. With all the different approaches now available, it is a real challenge to determine your best approach and what will actually help.
Bryan Linder's presentation will help you meet that challenge by stepping through the basics of what options are out there now, including: service virtualization, database containers, business intelligence and analytics, and even artificial intelligence. Bryan will present a comparison of what each provides today, as well as info on where to learn more. Hear a current case study on using one of the most widely available tools in a new and creative way to quickly and easily manage test data - with security and privacy concerns - across multiple Cloud databases. Acquire insights into getting YOUR test efforts fully data-ready, even when Production refreshes are not an option.
About the presenter:
A quality-analyst and -activist at heart, Bryan Linder's passions for quality work product and saving companies’ money have been repeatedly noted for over 25 years. He's been recognized for DevOps and Agile process, implementation and coaching, for Quality Assurance and Control industry and tools expertise, and for group building and mentoring. Bryan loves taking on new challenges and solving problems no one else can; and is regularly sought out by firms in need of innovative Quality architecture, process and technology guidance and hands-on direction.
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